What is your Training Rhythm?

Have you considered your training rhythm? Do you just attend training or do you train on purpose? Try something new in 2019. Use the first quarter differently and separate the first three months into six two-week training blocks. In each training block, create an area of focus you would like to target for your game to improve. That gives you six areas of focus to improve on in the first quarter. That will for sure change your game for the better. Here’s the process broken down for each Training Block.

Set up a two-week training block for yourself. What would you like to accomplish in Block 1: January 1-14? Go hard after those Areas of Focus. Is there anything you can add to your training sessions? Extra work with a friend? An extra session or two with a personal trainer? Would performance/agility/speed training be beneficial?

Go after it again for Block 2: January 15-31. And as you repeat your target for Block 2, analyze how things are going. Should you adjust your difficulty for Block 3: February 1-14? Is there anything you should add or take away from your training? Don’t train just to train. Make sure the training is helping your goals!

With your revamped targets for Block 3, keep your eye on what can be improved for Block 4: February 15-28, and so on. Block 5: March 1-14. Block 6: March 15-31. Keep these Areas of Focus in play for the entire 1st quarter of 2019.

After the first 5 Training Blocks, use the 6th Block to prepare for the 2nd quarter of 2019. And as I mentioned in the Goal Setting section, revamp your work to pursue the benchmarks that are important to you.

No go get it!